Romeo Louisa
Romeo Louisa is a 23 years old Jazz Pianist, DJ and Producer who likes to specialize in Soulful Deep House Music. Born in a remote part of Southern France, he moves to its Riviera at age ten where he begins teaching himself Jazz piano and drums, but quickly undertakes conventional lessons to achieve a deeper theoretical understanding. Although years of musical training come to an academic success, he applies for a Fine Art Foundation in London, where he moves at age 17. There, he discovers the sound of a rich electronic scene he has never heard before and falls in love with it instantly. Being surrounded by lively, raw and grimy UK underground music builds his passion for the country’s rave culture and history as he digs for the finest gems in record shops. The various tracks and genres he encounters slowly refine his taste down to Old School Garage and Classic House which he starts producing on his laptop. His fast-growing involvement in this newly discovered discipline becomes so prominent he decides to drop his Art degree for a Production and Sound Engineering course at Point Blank Music School. With this experience he is able to sharpen his tools as a producer, blending his Jazz background with the electronic aesthetics he loves, finally giving birth to original compositions. Since 2019, Romeo has had the chance to get his soulful creations exposed to daylight with a few appearances on notorious Youtube channels like Blanc, and releases as on labels Bla Bla Music and 44km/h Records, without forgetting Houz. Back to his Paris-based home studio he is now more than ever ready to develop his art and provide your souls with some of tomorrow’s grooviest flavors.